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Christmas (2): The Incarnation      

And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us. John 1:14 I suppose no truth claim found within the biblical worldview can match the sheer awe brought about by the incarnation. Wayne Grudem puts it this way: It is by far the most amazing miracle of the entire Bible—far more amazing than the resurrection and more amazing even than the creation of the universe. The fact that the ...

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Pensacola Christian College

On August 17 and 18 I will be presenting The Engagement Project to the faculty of Pensacola Christian College. If you haven't heard of PCC and you or your child is considering colleges, give them a look. You will be highly impressed!

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Healer: Yahweh-Rapha

[preface] When we are sick, there is nothing we want more than to be restored to health. I can think of several times in my life when I was so sick (Lima, Peru and Cairo, Egypt) that I ashamedly admit I thought it would be better to die. That’s how “bad sick” it was. I can remember lying out in a field during pilot training after a bad parachute landing with my shoulder way...

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Political Hypocrisy

With the heated debate in the Senate over the nomination of Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court, we are presented again with the political hypocrisy that has become mainstay in our country. On the one side, the Democrats are howling that we should wait until after the election, that it is unconstitutional for the Republicans to fill the seat left by the death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg. In 20...

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Thoughts on Ravi Zacharias

There aren’t too many people who are known simply by their first name. Ravi is one of them. He is gone now, but instead of leaving a legacy of great work, we are left with worse than nothing. An independent investigation by the law firm, Miller and Martin, through sufficient interviews and examination of cell phone photos and messages, concluded that Ravi engaged in extended sexual mis...

Engagement Project Training Conference in Seattle

We will be hold an Engagement Project Training Conference at Prince of Peace Lutheran Church, Lakewood, Washington on August 28. If you are in the area, we would love to see you there. I am looking forward to seeing one of our students from the Engagement filming and others that have been instrumental in the Truth Project.

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20 Years Ago: A Day of Evil & Sorrow

Those who were alive then, and of age, will never forget. It was a day of unspeakable evil: airplanes hijacked for the sole purpose of massacring thousands of men, women and children, some unborn. It was a new way to make war; a new way to kill; a new way to bring terror. It was cowardice and it was demonic. One side of the world wept in horror; another side celebrated and cheer...

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Roe v. Wade – Is It Possible?

Arguments are being made before the Supreme Court in what some are speculating could be the early indications that they will throw out Roe v. Wade. Wait! Is this possible? Is it possible that a nation who has been so bent on turning away from God could actually reverse one of its most egregious and unethical legal positions? I have to admit being skeptical until USA Today, no less, publis...

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Don’t Say: If the Foundations Are Destroyed, What Can the Righteous Do?

In today’s Psalm 11, we find a verse that I believe has sometimes been misused. Here it is: “If the foundations are destroyed, what can the righteous do?” Occasionally, you will hear it quoted to support a cry or plea regarding what is happening in our nation. The purpose is to rally listeners to stand against the forces that seek to destroy our national foundations,...

Standing by While the Weak Are Raped

We have all heard of the unforgivable situation where people stand and watch someone being mugged or beaten to death. I wrote earlier about the brazen nature of crime in our country and how people simply stand by and watch it happen, afraid to intervene. This, of course, is what happens when we lose the vision and responsibility of being Noble Males and Virtuous Females. We care more about o...

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