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7 Threats: (#3) The Loss of the Noble Male & the Rise of False, Malevolent Compassion

Nothing is judged more severely by our culture today than assertions of biblical male and female absolutes. It may be possible that we are in the final progression of God giving our culture up to first “sexual impurity” then “shameful lusts” and finally a “depraved mind”. And throughout all of this, true human sexuality has been the prime target. The enemy tu...

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The Perfect Storm: Seven Threats to America in Our Times

On Oct 30, 1991, there was strange confluence of weather forces that brought about what came to be known as “the Perfect Storm”, a name that was coined by author Sebastian Junger. The word “perfect”, in this case, does not mean something good and wonderful, but it reflected the crazy fluke that numerous meteorological events were all happening at the same time and place....

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If Jesus Rose from the Dead, then (#39) He Left and Turned It Over to Us

In the midst of Jesus telling His disciples that He was going to be killed and then raised from the dead, He also talked to them about His leaving. The Resurrection surprised them; the Ascension did not… nor did Pentecost. I suppose it was in the 40 days of teaching after the resurrection that they finally began to understand what was going on. Can you imagine having over a month with...

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A Republic--If You Can Keep It

After the conclusion of the Constitutional Convention, Benjamin Franklin was asked, “What have you given us?” His famous response was, “A Republic, if you can keep it.” Most focus on the fact that the Founders had established a Republic—a point that needs to be continuously made. But seldom do we ponder seriously his wise admonition that it must be “kept&r...

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Mobs and Protests

But after Uzziah became powerful, his pride led to his downfall. 2 Chronicles 16:16 When Uzziah became powerful, he became proud and that pride led to his horrible downfall. He was afflicted by the Lord with leprosy for the rest of his life. Uzziah had begun to think that his power gave him the right to make up his own rules. There is little difference between what happened to Uzziah an...

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Pray for Repentance, Tuesday Noon Eastern

I believe the election tomorrow will be a key event in the direction of our country. We need to be on our knees in prayer before the King of kings and Lord of lords. If you are not already committed to another prayer event, would you please consider joining us in prayer for repentance, Tuesday, noon Eastern time? (11 CT, 10MT, 9PT) If so, please join in these three things: Confess y...

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7 Threats in Our Times: (#2) The Rise of Homo Deus and Meo Christianity

In the luxury of a culture where even the lower economic classes live like kings compared to the world’s poor, we have become immensely spoiled. We are lavished with bins overflowing with fresh fruit and vegetables in the dead of winter, aisles full of choice cut-meats, acres of shelves filled with more products than anyone could possibly want, stores with racks of clothes and shoes of ev...

6 15

The Apex of History

I have an incredible chart of history. It shows the spread of people groups, the rise and fall of world empires, the modern world wars, major epidemics, important discoveries and inventions—thousands and thousands of key events in the chronology of human affairs from creation week until it was published in 1992 and given to me as a phenomenal gift. I refer to it often. But none of thes...

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If Jesus Rose from the Dead, then (#40) It Would Have Changed Everything

This is the final piece in our “40 days” of pondering the resurrection and its implications. We have covered a lot of ground and I pray that you have found something of benefit. More importantly, that God might have done something in your heart and mind—maybe prodding you, or even provoking you, or possibly just solidifying the criticality of the resurrection in your daily tho...

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Christmas (1): The Humiliation      

Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others. Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus, who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied himself, by taking the form o...

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